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FEC Cambodia

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FEC (Family English Class) is a Khmer English School that allows children of Thnal Bek Village the opportunity to learn English as a second language. The school focuses on children that come from low economic families and are at high risk of not receiving a good education. Building Better Futurers is an initiative that is funded through an Australian independent funding source and works together with startup initiatives to work towards sustainability for the future growth of FEC.


Sokheng Lim

Founder & Principle

Sokheng Lim is the principle of FEC Cambodia and founded the school with the vision to educate children in Thnal Bek Village giving the children from low economic backgrounds the opportunity to learn English for free.

Kol Korn

Founder & Sports Teacher

Kol Korn is the co-founder/sports teacher at FEC and has supported Sokheng to follow her dream while facilitating the sports program and mentors the students with team building. 


Teaching Assistant

Sreylin has graduated to teaching assistant and supports the students in their learning. Sreylin also has commenced teaching environmental art which she especially loves.


Teaching Assistant

Kakada has graduated to teaching assistant and supports the younger students in their learning. Kakada always enthusiastically assists with many other teaching duties.


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